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Continued browsing on this site implies unreserved acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use.

Article 1 – Definitions
Site: refers to the website hosted under the domain names yo-crypto.com, property of SAS SALESPHERE

Customer: designates any natural person who is not a trader purchasing on the Site or acting in a context unrelated to his professional activity.

Merchant: refers to professional sellers, companies independent of SALESPHERE, offering for sale on the Site, new Products at a fixed price

SALESPHERE: means SAS SALESPHERE, owner of the site, registered with the RCS of Villefranche-Tarare under the number SIRET 91858925000011, whose head office is located at 598 Boulevard Albert Camus 69400 Villefranche-sur-Saône.

Account: refers to the connection account allowing the Customer to connect to the Site giving access to his Customer space

Order: refers to the Product request made by the Customer

Product: refers to the products offered for sale on the Site

Personal Data: any information relating to a natural person identified or who can be identified, directly or indirectly.

Customer General Terms and Conditions of Use: refers to the general terms and conditions of use that apply to any non-professional Customer accessing the Site, also referred to as “Customer Terms of Use”

Merchant General Terms of Use: means the general terms of use that apply to any Merchant using the Site, also referred to as “Merchant Terms”

General Conditions of Sale: designate the general conditions of sale which are the subject of these presents which apply to any Customer using the Site, also referred to as “GTC”.

Platform: refers to the website hosted under the domain names yo-crypto.com

User: Natural person acting in a context unrelated to his professional activity and using the services of the site.

Article 2 – Scope
The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter “the T&Cs”) is to define the terms and conditions under which SALESPHERE makes the Site and the technological tools used available to Customers.

By browsing the Site, the Customer confirms that he has read and understood all of these General Conditions and undertakes to comply with them.

These Terms are subject to revision at any time.

These T&Cs are supplemented by the T&Cs and the Merchant T&Cs.

Article 3 – Accessibility to the Site
Article 3.1 – Conditions of access
The Site is accessible to any Internet user, subject to having an Internet connection. Use of the Site is free, with no obligation to purchase.

Access to the Site is not subject to the creation of a Customer Account, however, the creation of a Customer Account is necessary to place an Order on the Site (to place an Order, see article 4 of the GCS) . The creation of an account is therefore prohibited for minors under the age of 18, the date of birth will be requested during registration. SALESPHERE reserves the right to check the identity of the user in the event of doubt about the information transmitted.

Article 3.2 – Customer Account
The creation of the Customer account is subject to the provision of various data such as the Name, First name, Age, email, the choice of a password.

The Customer must click on “My account” on the home page of the Site or “Register” on the pop-up login of the Site.

The Customer has the option of logging in with their Google, Facebook or Twitter account.

Following the request to create an Account, the Customer receives an email confirming the creation of the account.

By creating this Account, the Customer agrees to provide only accurate and personal information.

The Customer’s username and password remain under his full responsibility and he is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of his information.

The Customer Account allows you to:

Consult and update the Customer’s contact details (excluding first and last name: registered account)

List and declare purchases to establish the rating

Consult the history of the last Orders and invoices related to purchases

Use the SALESPHERE livechat

Submit a customer review

To delete the Customer Account, the latter must refer to the “Privacy Policy” tab of the Site to obtain all the information relating to this point.

Article 3.3 – Contact SALESPHERE
Customers with a Customer Account can use livechat, email, social networks visible from their Account,

Customers may communicate with the Merchant and SALESPHERE for the purpose of exchanging information relating to the Product Order or for any request for information.

Article 4 – Customer Reviews
Section 4.1 – General
SALESPHERE makes available to Clients, the means allowing them to evaluate the performance of the Merchants and the service as well as the quality of their Products following confirmation of receipt of the Products ordered.

Article 4.2- Terms
Only Customers who have placed an Order are likely to submit an opinion on the Product.

Reviews, once posted, can no longer be modified by the Customer.

The evaluations left by the Customer on the Product, as well as his pseudonym, will be visible to any visitor to the Site as long as the Product concerned is accessible on the Site and the Merchant concerned is referenced by SALESPHERE on the Site.

By posting a notice, the Customer agrees that it will be publicly posted on the Site and accessible to any visitor to the Site.

The Merchant will have the opportunity to respond to Customer reviews.

Article 4.3- Commitments of the author of the Customer review
The author of the review undertakes, without this list being exhaustive, to:

Deliver non-misleading and relevant information relating to the Product itself or the Merchant
Post a useful review, i.e. allow you to help other users to compare and choose a Product suited to their needs

In addition, the publication of Customer reviews on the site is prohibited:

Contrary to public order and good morals
Obscene, political, racist, religious, discriminatory, defamatory, abusive, denigrating, inciting hatred
Infringing the image rights and/or respect for the privacy of a third party
Delivering personal and/or sensitive data of a third party
Including or quoting intellectual property rights belonging to a third party (in particular trademarks, copyrights, etc.)
Of an advertising or commercial nature
With hyperlinks
Containing computer viruses, malware, etc.
In the event of the distribution by the Customer of content infringing the rights of third parties or the Merchants, SALESPHERE reserves the right to take criminal and/or civil action against the Customer who has distributed such content.

Article 4.4 – Moderation of Customer reviews
SALESPHERE carries out an a priori control of the opinions, that is to say that it will assess the relevance of the opinion before putting it online on the Site.

It thus reserves the right to delete at its discretion any Customer review that does not comply with the provisions of Article 4.3, and more generally with the legislation and regulations in force and likely to infringe the rights of a third party.

In the event of refusal to publish a Customer review, SALESPHERE will inform the Customer of the reasons for this refusal through moderation.

Article 5 – Liability
Article 5.1 – Liability of SALESPHERE
SALESPHERE is only bound by an obligation of means in the performance of the services offered on the Site.

The responsibility of SALESPHERE cannot be engaged in the execution of a sale concluded between the Merchant and the Customer on the Site, in particular with regard to the conformity of the Product, the conformity of the offer of sale, the conditions of execution of the after-sales service, the ownership of the intellectual property rights relating to the Products.

The liability of SALESPHERE can only be engaged towards the Client for facts which will be directly attributable to it in its capacity as intermediary and which will have caused direct damage to the Client.

SALESPHERE undertakes to make its best efforts to secure access to and use of the Site and is free to choose the most appropriate form and technical means to provide users with all the features of the Site.

The Site will be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

By way of derogation, the Site may be temporarily unavailable during the curative or evolutionary maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and in the event of the occurrence of an event beyond the control of SALESPHERE.

In the event of the occurrence of a technical failure affecting the operation of the Site, SALESPHERE undertakes to make its best efforts to restore the operation of the Site as soon as possible.

SALESPHERE cannot be held responsible for external intrusions, the presence of computer viruses in the computer system of the Customer using the Site, any consequences of an alteration, total or partial, of the operation of the Site resulting from improper use of the Site. by the Customer, of the non-functioning or slowness of the Customer’s telecommunications network.

Its responsibility cannot be engaged for content of which it is not the author.

In general, SALESPHERE cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any risky behavior by the Customer that may occur as a result of using the Site.

Article 5.2 – Customer’s liability
The Customer is solely responsible for the use he makes of the Site as well as the opinions he posts.

the customer must not make abusive use of his customer account (a few non-exhaustive cases: creating dummy accounts, spamming after-sales service / contact request merchant accounts).

The Customer also undertakes not to adopt any behavior contrary to these T&Cs and more generally, to the legal and regulatory provisions, in the use of the Site, failing which he may be held liable.

Article 6 – Force majeure
SALESPHERE cannot be held responsible for the non-execution or the delay in the execution of one of its obligations resulting from a case of force majeure, within the meaning of article 1218 of the Civil Code.

Any irresistible facts or circumstances external to SALESPHERE, unforeseeable, unavoidable, beyond the control of SALESPHERE, and which cannot be prevented by the latter, despite all reasonably possible efforts, will be considered as cases of force majeure.

In addition to the cases retained by the legislation in force and French case law, are considered cases of force majeure, and this without being exhaustive, the following events:

Blockages of networks and communication systems
Total or partial strikes, lockouts, boycotts or similar events
Hacker attacks.
In the event of force majeure for more than 3 months, the injured party may request the termination of the contract.

Article 7 – Personal data
The Customer is informed that all the data collected in the context of the operation of the Site is processed by SALESPHERE.

The Customer is invited to refer to the “Privacy Policy” tab of the Site to obtain all the information relating to this point.

Section 8 – Cookies
The Customer is invited to refer to the Privacy Policy of the Site to obtain all the information relating to this point.

Article 9 – Information – Reports
For any clarification relating to the application of these T&Cs as well as any request for information or complaint relating to the operation of the Site, the Customer is invited to contact us via the “Contact us” tab on the Site.

Article 10 – Intellectual property
The Customer undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights of SALESPHERE and in particular, all the elements of the Site including the content of the Site, the brands, the drawings, photographs, images, the texts, the general structure and the tree structure , graphic charters, databases, logos, domain names including in particular the name SALESPHERE, all documents or files, any other distinctive sign present on the Site, including the underlying technology, belonging to SALESPHERE which are protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property.

No intellectual property rights may be transferred to the Customer.

Any total or partial reproduction of SALESPHERE’s intellectual property rights is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement.

The Customer may refer to the SALESPHERE Site for advertising and/or promotional purposes with the prior and express agreement of SALESPHERE.

Any violation of intellectual property rights engages the responsibility of the Customer.

Article 11 – Modification of the General Conditions of Use
SALESPHERE reserves the right to modify, update, rectify, freely and at any time, these T&Cs with a view to complying with legislative, regulatory and/or jurisprudential developments.

Any modification will be directly applicable to the Customer.

Article 12 – Clause deemed unwritten
If one or more clauses of these T&Cs were to be declared void, these would be deemed unwritten without invalidating all of these.

Article 13 – Applicable law
These T&Cs are subject to the application of French law.

In the event that these T&Cs are translated into a foreign language, only the French text shall prevail in the event of a dispute over the acceptance of a term or provision herein.

Article 14 – Attribution of jurisdiction and settlement of disputes
Disputes likely to arise between SALESPHERE and the Customer will be the subject of an attempt at amicable resolution, before any legal action.

In the absence of an amicable agreement between the parties, any dispute will be brought before the courts within the jurisdiction of the registered office of SALESPHERE, including in the event of multiple defendants, this being expressly accepted by the Customer.

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